I'm not sure history has ended. Use this quote
If you want to study the social and political history of modern nations, study hell. Use this quote
History is mostly guessing; the rest is prejudice. Use this quote
I feel like I'm too busy writing history to read it. Use this quote
While history never repeats itself, political patterns do. Use this quote
The Russians feared Ike. They didn't fear me. Use this quote
Our national history has so often filled us with bitterness and the feeling of helplessness. Use this quote
Our history is not our destiny. Use this quote
I just read an 800-page history of the Scottish Enlightenment and, honestly, I may as well just start it again now, because I cannot remember a single thing. I can barely remember where Scotland is. Use this quote
There comes a time in the history of nations when their peoples must become fully reconciled to their past if they are to go forward with confidence to embrace their future. Use this quote
Our culture now wonderfully, alchemically transforms images and history into artistic material. The possibilities seem endless and wide open. Use this quote
I love studying Ancient History and seeing how empires rise and fall, sowing the seeds of their own destruction. Use this quote
Of course, nobody would deny the importance of human beings for theological thinking, but the time span of history that theologians think about is a few thousand years of human culture rather than the fifteen billion years of the history of the universe. Use this quote
I believe in monogamy if that's what a couple decides upon together, but it all depends on the personal history and culture of the two involved. Use this quote
Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done. Use this quote
The main thing is to make history, not to write it. Use this quote
September 11th was a moment when America had the sympathy of the world. Use this quote
While we are living in the present, we must celebrate life every day, knowing that we are becoming history with every work, every action, every deed. Use this quote