The most successful marriages, gay or straight, even if they begin in romantic love, often become friendships. It's the ones that become the friendships that last. Use this quote
I'm still a bit of a romantic and an idealist and hopelessly naive. Use this quote
Personally, I can't see why it would be any less romantic to find a husband in a nice four-color catalogue than in the average downtown bar at happy hour. Use this quote
I used to try to draw my girlfriends. I think one of the most romantic things that anybody can do is draw a portrait of the person you love. Use this quote
I'd like to do a romantic comedy. Use this quote
I think that the romantic impulse is in all of us and that sometimes we live it for a short time, but it's not part of a sensible way of living. It's a heroic path and it generally ends dangerously. Use this quote
I am a hopeless romantic. And I won't stop till I get it right. Use this quote
Then I abandoned comics for fine art because I had some romantic vision of being like Vincent Van Gogh Jr. Use this quote
I like to see love stories: romantic comedy or romantic drama. Use this quote
I don't ever want to be a sentimentalist. I prefer to be a realist. I'm not a romantic really. Use this quote
I'm very romantic. Use this quote
Yeah, romantic comedies are the hardest movies to make. Maybe one works a year. Use this quote
I'm not a big fan of romantic comedies, believe it or not. Use this quote
The vampire was a complete change from the usual romantic characters I was playing, but it was a success. Use this quote
My vanity is I'm terribly romantic! But being married is lovely. Use this quote
Forget romantic fiction, a survey has found that most women would rather read a good book than go shopping, have sex, or sleep. Use this quote
But no, I don't really like romantic comedies, so I don't really care. I never go see 'em. Use this quote
The first book I wrote was The Bride Price which was a romantic book, but my husband burnt the book when he saw it. I was the typical African woman, I'd done this privately, I wanted him to look at it, approve it and he said he wouldn't read it. Use this quote
In mainstream romantic comedies, I'm usually tearing my hair out. It's just a devastatingly difficult genre for me. Use this quote
If a man lets all of my dogs sleep in the bed with us, then that is the most romantic thing. You must love my dogs in order to love me. A man who is nice to my animals and doesn't shoo them away - well, that's the height of romance. Use this quote