Biennial culture is already almost irrelevant, because so many more people are providing so many better opportunities for artists to exhibit their work. Use this quote
In high school, in sport, I had a coach who told me I was much better than I thought I was, and would make me do more in a positive sense. He was the first person who taught me not to be afraid of failure. Use this quote
Vanity is something that will only get in the way of doing your best work, and ultimately if you're truly vain you care more about your work than how you look in your work. I actually consider myself a pretty vain guy when it comes to that. Use this quote
We assume that everything's becoming more efficient, and in an immediate sense that's true; our lives are better in many ways. But that improvement has been gained through a massively inefficient use of natural resources. Use this quote
Cheryl Cole and Katy Perry are two of the hottest girls in the world - and so normal and funny with it. If I was a few years older they are the kind of girls I'd like to date. I want a younger version of Cheryl and Katy - a mixture of the two would be hot. Use this quote
More marriages might survive if the partners realized that sometimes the better comes after the worse. Use this quote
It's something we, guys, have all done. Made tapes for girls, trying to impress them, to meet them on a shared plane of aesthetics. Read them someone else's poetry because they do poetry better than you could do it, because you're too awkward to do it. Use this quote
There are better alternatives... Australia should be exporting its solar technology, not its uranium. Use this quote
It is better that some should be unhappy rather than that none should be happy, which would be the case in a general state of equality. Use this quote
Marriage is a team effort. Both of us share that philosophy. Use this quote
I'm proof against that word failure. I've seen behind it. The only failure a man ought to fear is failure of cleaving to the purpose he sees to be best. Use this quote
You see, some non-Catholic friends of mine have questioned the depth of my faith because of the fact that I have a good education. Use this quote
Musicians can run this state better than politicians. We won't get a lot done in the mornings, but we'll work late and be honest. Use this quote
We're not doing outrageous fashion; I make sports clothes that are relatively conservative, clothes that everyone wears. Use this quote
Instead of loving your enemies - treat your friends a little better. Use this quote
Learning is a result of listening, which in turn leads to even better listening and attentiveness to the other person. In other words, to learn from the child, we must have empathy, and empathy grows as we learn. Use this quote
As women, we have more of a tendency to be people-pleasers, and I know a lot of women who are not vocal about what makes them happy. Use this quote
I feel like I'm a much better person when I'm developing my imagination and my innocence and my vulnerability. I like that version of me better than the version where I'm just working on my analytical mind. Use this quote
I have never seen opponents so silent about their record, and so desperate to keep their power. Use this quote
Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death. Use this quote